How To Clean Glass Substrates Using Plasma Technology

How To Clean Glass Substrates Using Plasma Technology

Cleaning glass substrates is a critical step in many manufacturing processes. Plasma technology offers an effective, efficient way to clean glass and other surfaces without damaging them. This article will explain how to use plasma technology to clean glass substrates quickly and easily. Plasma cleaning uses high-energy gas ions to break down organic contaminants on […]

How To Optimize Plasma Surface Treatment For Improved Hydrophilicity

Surface activation to Enhances wettability and reduces contact angles

Plasma surface treatment is a method for altering the physical and chemical properties of materials by exposing them to an ionized gas. It results in improved hydrophilicity, which can be advantageous for many applications. This article discusses how plasma surface treatment can be optimized to maximize its effect on improving hydrophilicity. The objectives of this […]